Virtual Services & Wellness products for home and business

Onsite Annual Feng Shui Tune-up

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Each year, the Feng Shui energies change subtly, so you are well advised to have a tune-up each year. Most of the time a virtual tune-up is perfectly good. But now and then a deeper look is needed. This is for existing clients of mine only, who need an annual tune-up with me in person instead of virtually. Perhaps your needs from your home or office space have changed and you need some new advice, or it has been a while since you had your first consultation with me. For an average 2-4 bedroom home, I can do this for £680 if in Home Counties, South of England and Cotswolds or Bristol/Bath. If further afield, pls contact me to discuss. I will show you which annual cures are needed and how to further optimise your space. Sometimes people forget to put in place key recommendations of mine, despite my reminders! So, we can also make sure everything from the original consultation is correctly in place. This price is for maximum 4 bedroom property of typical size, not deluxe 4 bedroom size. Any larger than 4 bedroom, please contact me for a price.

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